With knowledgeable experience exclusively practicing employment law in California, attorney Greg A. Klawitter at Ceartas Legal is dedicated to helping employees successfully resolve disputes against their former or current employers.

Lawyer Klawitter has a unique understanding of how companies are likely to defend their cases. This perspective enables him to fully prepare, preserve and protect the rights of employees throughout Southern California.

To learn more about our attorney’s credentials and qualifications, please follow the links below:

We Handle All Cases On A Contingency-Fee Basis

When attorney Klawitter agrees to take a case, he will do so on a contingency-fee-basis. This means that you will not owe us any money unless he is successful in recovering compensation for you.

Contact Us To Learn More About How We Can Help You

If you believe that your rights have been violated by your employer. You may also contact us online, and we will respond to your message promptly. Attorney Klawitter is most effective at holding employers accountable for their actions when we are able to collect evidence soon after a violation has occurred, which is why it is important to speak with him as soon as possible. He represents clients in Encinitas, Del Mar, and across Southern California.